Gemeinsam in Europa

National Entry Italy

CSV, centro di servicio per il volontariato, Napoli, Italy

  •  Profile:

CSV Napoli Service Office is a second level non-profit organization promoting
volunteering and offer service to qualify volunteering organizations work. CSV works with organizations in the field of social inclusion, immigrants, no discrimination and social risks. CSV of Naples was built in 2004 through evolvement and initiatives of  the biggest  Italian volunteering organizations.

  •   Main aims:

The CSV Napoli bases on the willing to support and advance solidarity and democratic participation within the region of Campania and southern Italy; the disposition to do voluntary work should get strengthened in the minds of citizens of all age. Gaining know-how for personal and professional development and establishing the idea of an active citizenship belong to the main aims of the organization

  •  Key partners and stakeholders involved:

There are many partners and organizations with similar aims, the CSV is in contact with, e.g., the “Alts – associazione per la lotta ai tumori del seno”, the “Irpinia solidale – centro servizi per il volontariato Avellino”, the “Sodalis- centro servizi per il volontariato and the Salerno volontariato Caserta”.

  •  Finances:

The CSV was founded 2004 by the Administration Committee of the province of Napoli. Based on the law n. 266/91, banking foundations have to make available a part of their profits for the constitution and support of volunteering centres.

Funders are the Compagnia di S. Paolo, Istituto Banco di Napoli Fondazione, Carialo, Cassa di Risparmio di Roma and the Fondazione Salernitana Sichelgaita

  •   Members and staff:

The head of CSV is formed by the president, two vice-presidents, a treasurer and three counsellors. There is also a board of trustees and the board of chartered accountants. Besides that the structure of CSV is divided into six parts, there is professional staff for the field of promotion, consultancy, communication, services, training and legal and tax advice.

  •   Tools and methods of delivery

CSV works with schools, with universities, organizes events and summer camps for young students who wants to start working as volunteers.
CSV promotes all European opportunities for young and elder people.
CSV offers free legal and administrative support to voluntary organizations, social communication and training courses.
CSV contributes to activities by promotion via the local network and by providing own capabilities in workshops, by exchange of best practises and volunteering guidance, counselling and trainings. The basic method therefore is the warm body recruitment that means distribution of brochures, posters, speaking to groups, notices in appropriate media/radio /internet, social networks (face book), recruiting volunteers online. For organizations that are working for a specific sector of common interest, like sanitary prevention for immigrant, the CSV uses the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment.

  •   Volunteering projects:

Information and Seminars at the University concerning civilian service abroad and  the European voluntary service , events (fairs) to promote and present regional charities and opportunities to do voluntary work; “Scuola e Volontariato” – a initiative in school to gain pupils for the idea of voluntary work; summer camps for young volunteers or aspirants to coach them for the work in voluntary organizations; Regional events (culture, music, arts, social issues) in collaboration with local organizations to indicate and inspire citizens for the voluntary sector, counselling and training for volunteers,…

  •   Key policies and resources:

The focus of CSV Naples lies on the promotion of a peer learning culture, exchange of “know how” at EU level. CSV wants to contribute to the development of quality approaches between volunteers and their organizations. A special focus will be on increasing the participation of policy and decision makers.

- to instruct in different courses and e-Learning
- to promote voluntary work and its guidelines in schools, universities, camps, seminars and regional events
- to guide and support individuals and organizations in the matter of project management
- to advise in the matter of taxes of administration
- to communicate via mass media
- to assist in questions of room use, web concerns, grants and other logistic issues

  •   Key priorities for transnational cooperation:

To develop the transferable best practices, promote common research and to compare related materials. CSV wants to improve the quality and to increase the volume of cooperation between organizations involved in this project and in general in the net of organizations that work in the same field.


CSV Napoli

Centro Direzionale

Isola E/1 piano 1 interno 2

80143 Napoli
tel: 081 5628474

fax: 081 5628570
Contact persons: Eleni Katsarou, Promotion Area
Gabriele Gesso, Project Area