This partnership is founded under the scheme of Grundtvig learning partnerships funded by the EU. It’s consists of 5 partners from Czech Republic, Germany, Italy Romania, and the UK. All partners work in the field of volunteering or with volunteers. They have a common ground, but work within different frameworks, setting, and scopes. They have different experiences, and work with a wide range of methods and target groups. Together the partners want to identify successful and transferable good practices and methods for promoting and implementing new learning and training opportunities in the volunteer setting. The exchange of know how, the feedback from European partners plus the benefits of new ideas and learning opportunities deriving from the transnational work, will improve the professionalisation organisations, working with volunteers, plus the quality of their learning and training programmes for volunteers.
The main aim of this partnership is to identify transferable best practices used in the member countries and organisations, which addressed effectively the promotion of learning opportunities trough volunteering and the barriers to volunteering. Partner will prepare research, analyse and compare related materials and activities on their regional and national level and will exchange their Know How. Their exchange of good practice will focus on following issues:
contribution of volunteering to people’s learning and skills development
strategies to encourage citizens to realise the learning opportunities through volunteer work
the use of volunteering programs to develop personal, social and professional skills and to reflect them
reward and recognize volunteering activities
volunteering as a catalyst for citizen to engage more effectively with other learning, or in some cases re-engage with formal learning or training qualifications.
training and learning programmes within volunteer organisations
types of learning that occur in volunteer settings (e. g. instrumental, social-expressive or experimental learning, training in skills needed for specific tasks, group socialization and collaborative activities, problem solving, teamwork)
formal education and training vs informal and incidental learning in volunteer settings
successful content, methods and programmes of learning and training in volunteer settings (e. g. workshops, seminars, mentorship, apprenticeship, training manuals, and other methods)
professionalisation and standards for entry and practice in the volunteer sector
recognition for the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained and developed through volunteering
creating of conditions for greater participation in volunteering for various target groups (e.g. youth, migrants, disadvantaged, elder, disabled)