Our Good Practices
In our Erasmus+ partnership "VOICE - Volunteer Organizations' Input to Community Education" (2017-2019):
The VOICE partnership was initiated in order to create a platform for exchange expertise among practitioners from different European countries. The result of the partnership is a collection of experiences and expertise in form of ‘good practices':
- EVSification (Romania)
- Volunteering - a bridge between ethnic groups (Romania)
- Mentoring support programs for families and children (Czech Republic)
- Intergeneration Urban garden project (Czech Republic)
- Gemeinsam essen - Dinner together (Austria)
- Urban Gardening - Gottesacker (Austria)
- Walking tour - The UCCU Neki!-Project (Hungary)
- The Time Traveler - Urban games (Hungary)
- "Welcome to Finland courses" (Finland)
- Language Café (Finland)
- Talk with me”:10 photos – 10 hours – 10 encounters: Young language mentors for young refugees(Germany)
- Training for voluntary mentors "Competences in professional life" (Germany)
- Training "Professional volunteering" for volunteers and volunterr coordinators
In our Grundtvig Learning partnership "Volunteer to learn" (2010-2012):
In addition to finding out details about how our organisations engage with volunteers and promote volunteering as an effective mechanism for learning, start and maintain their mentoring projects, as well as gaining information about the state of volunteering in our countries, we also established a range of good practices which we would like to share with other volunteer-involving organisations.
- “5P” Project (Czech Republic)
- Volunteering in hospitals – guidelines and methodology (Czech Republic)
- Volunteer Management – training course (Czech Republic)
- EFI – Erfahrungswissen für Initiativen – know-how for initiatives (Germany)
- Joblinge – advisory service and online platform for volunteers (Germany)
- Tatennetz – advisory service and online platform for volunteers (Germany)
- School and volunteering project (Italy)
- Comunicare il sociale (Italy)
- SoV project (Italy)
- Mentor training (UK)
- Peer support (UK)
- Volunteering contract – instrument (Romania)
- Learning plan for volunteers – instrument (Romania)
- Job description for volunteers – instrument (Romania)
Throughout the duration of the project, the partners met at several study visits:
- Passau, Germany (November 2013)
- Vilnius, Lithuania (April 2014)
- Prague, Czech Republic (June 2014)
- Prešov, Slovakia (October 2014)
- London, UK (February 2015)
- Passau, Germany (May 2015)
- 3 G (Czech Republic)
- 5 P Project (Czech Republic)
- Compass (Czech Republic)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters (Lithuania)
- Mentor Lietuva (Lithuania)
- 'Sprachpaten für Kinder' Language Mentors for children (Germany)
- 'Sprachpaten für Flüchtlinge' Language Mentors for refugees (Germany)
- Lesepaten (Germany)
- Joblinge (Germany)
- Rock your Life! (Germany)
- TalentGuide (Slovakia)
- Volunteering in Schools Programme (UK)
- CSV Full Time Volunteering (UK)
- Volunteers in Child Protection
If you would like to share your own good practices with us, fill out this FORM and send it to info@gemeinsam-in-europa.de
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